Friday, March 30, 2012

Looking for Halflings

After a rude and abrupt end to a phone call with the Omega Corporation about the lifeforms in the underground tunnels; and suspicious activity surrounding accusations against my credibility as a professor at Missouri State University...

I’m on the road to investigate the underground tunnel systems in a part of Northern Arkansas, the ones near Batesville.  My gear is packed, and I'm ready. 

As explained in my previous blog posts, I will be utilizing my standard recording gear to capture any activity. If I find anything, you can be certain it will be on my YouTube channel as soon as humanly possible:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Will Investigate the Claim of Halflings.

This “thing” in the tunnel may or may not be human, may or may not “look” human.  I’ve received a credible tip with respect to these alleged life forms, courtesy of one of my contacts in the government, Xavier M (he asked that I do not use his last name), who has been following my recent blogs.

 I’m currently planning to check it out myself this weekend. 

If I find nothing of consequence regarding these life forms, I intend at the very least to discover what has happened to Roland.

A Troubling Discovery

My assistant has brought to my attention a novel that has recently released, entitled Halflings

Upon further investigation of the novel, it appears that Roland himself discovered the book, and even began engaging with the author online before he dropped my class. Why wouldn't he maintain contact with me? Why only a brief note mentioning "Halflings" with no further explanation, when he obviously viewed me as an expert on the topic of paranormal activity? This is very suspicious indeed.

I’m dismayed that my theory may have been co-opted by the “establishment” (aka NewsCorp) in what seems like an obvious attempt to discount these claims and present them to the world as nothing more than "popcorn" fiction for teens.  

I have no other choice but to try and prove everyone wrong. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Halfling: A Human/Angel Hybrid?

Using Biblical and mythological texts, I’ve discovered there was only one brief moment of time throughout recorded history that human/angel unions may have taken place. 

Genesis 6:1-4:

1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

If something of this magnitude did occur, where are these beings, these purported “giants,” today?  Would some have survived thousands of years?  Or did they create a new being able to reproduce after its own kind?

Let’s consider the facts. Scientifically speaking, this is a fascinating conundrum.  Angels are eternal beings that never die.  Humans are limited to a max of not much more than one hundred years.  But a being half-human and half-angel?  Who knows the lifespan?

This is what is commonly understood from the Bible: Lucifer was an angel who took one third of the created angels and rebelled against God; God consequently banished them to the earth.

Using this notion as the backbone to my research, I’ve happened upon a series of supplementary texts and understandings that have been passed down to generations of believers – generations, who until this point, have remained mostly silent or, at least, only vocal within their own religious communities.  This Biblical mythology, as I refer to it, seems to indicate that these fallen angels felt a kinship with human women, a bond that manifested itself in irrepressible sexual attraction, an attraction that was ultimately reciprocated –

Therefore, half-human, half-angels were bred: “Halflings.” 

This is a hypothesis only. I need more time. More investigation. A way to test this claim. 

I wish Roland had not dropped my class. Beyond that, as it was confirmed in a discussion with the dean's office this week, he has left the school altogether. 

If Angels DO Exist...

If angels exist in a carnal sense (meaning they have skin and bones), then an angel-human union seems feasible.

The morning Roland Billings dropped my class, and subsequently disappeared without a trace from campus, I found a note in my faculty mailbox.  The note simply said:

"Halflings…    angels."


I cannot get the term out of my head.  

While I’m moderately aware of the term from J. R. R. Tolkien’s literature, wherein he used the term to describe hobbits – it’s used as a functional term to define any creature that is half one species and half another – it still sparked something in my mind.  Could this be the beginning of an entirely new type of classification for paranormal entities?  A hybrid of two schools of thinking, two schools seemingly in contradiction to one another: the school of paranormal activity, and the school of divinity.

What was Roland trying to tell me?  Has he found evidence of a hybrid creature?

Is it possible that Halflings are the union: the union between man and angel; humanity and the divine?  

This may seem farfetched, but it’s just a theory, a possible theory, and any theory in this line of work is worth investigating.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Are Heaven and Hell Real?

Humans have forever considered the possibility of heaven and hell.  Do they exist?  If so, are there beings from either place roaming the earth?  It’s an age old debate, yet one that I must admit that has captured my attention for the first time.  If they do exist, what is their purpose?  Are they here to protect?  Are we to believe the lore?  Or are there darker motivations at work, and are the depictions of “angels” as we know it simply fairy-tale fluff?

What do you think?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Are Angels and Demons Real?

I will now come out and say that this new “lead” may very well be the first step towards worthwhile evidence of a theory of THE DIVINE.  That’s right, an old skeptic like me just said it.  I leave you with this question:

Are angels and demons real?  I’ve been building up to this question in my head, and it’s now time that I, and by extension, you, explore it. 

Please post your answers in the comments section below.

What (or who) is in the Tunnels?

All right, let’s get down to brass tacks here – let’s rule out what this potential tunnel-dwelling entity is not:

1.      It’s not a cryptid.  Through my research, and a description from Roland, this entity takes the shape of a human being – or something resembling a human being.  Even if the entity is not human, and only taking the shape of a human (or hijacking the physical form of a human), it would still not be considered a cryptid, as a cryptid is the same in both substance and form.

2.      It may very well be an alien, I cannot rule that out; however the history of alien sightings and happenings suggests they originate far above the land, and not beneath it.

3.      This leaves it as a prime candidate for a “spirit.

With these points in mind, specifically number three, I don’t think it’s as simple as all this…I think it’s much more complex than I, or anyone else, expected...

Friday, March 23, 2012

More is Uncovered...

I frequently receive tips and all sorts of far-fetched claims involving the paranormal, so I’m often suspicious of them and do not follow a lead unless I have done my due diligence and seriously believe there may be some tangible truth to a specific claim.  The potential activity in the tunnels underground sparked an interest in me, not only due Roland's claims, but also because of the tunnel’s proximity to the Omega Corporation, which is based just under 30 miles away on the outskirts of Harrison, Arkansas. 

As I mentioned earlier, the Omega Corporation had been consistently coming up in conversations I had while investigating Roland’s claim.  At first, I was bewildered by the connection, and by the potential ramifications of such a connection, but I now feel secure enough in my findings to begin probing this relationship further.

Omega Corporation is a major multibillion-dollar corporation that researches state-of-the-art technologies for numerous “undisclosed” clients, the kind of clients with bottomless checkbooks.  If you’re unfamiliar with Omega, just know that it’s their business to have their hands in everything that matters.  Divisions of Omega Corporation have been known to dabble in everything from testing electromagnetic pulse theories to MRI machines to titanium forging.  Their primary laboratory is in Harrison, which I recently discovered maintains an extensive medical facility. 

This is very troubling to me.

From my days as a consultant with The Defense Department, I recall that some “below-the-radar” medical testing consistently took place in underground channels, for both security and safety reasons.  I also recall that Omega Corporation was on the payroll as a government contractor for research and development in technologies at the time – mainly research into electromagnetic radiation and practical uses for it.  This is extremely interesting, and once again…troubling.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Descendants of Noah

I have investigated the validity of the “tip” I received earlier this month, and have determined that it is indeed sound.

A student of mine, Roland Billings, first mentioned the potential phenomenon to me earlier in the semester, and the only reason I inject a student’s opinion into my personal blogs is that this particular person is no longer a student of mine.  Roland mysteriously dropped my class after I pursued the subject of this phenomenon with him, and soon after his Spring Break.  This may or may not have anything to do with his decision to drop my class, but I mention it because it conforms to the timeframe.  Roland, a “goth,” not a typical “goth” but he did sometimes sport a black trench coat, attended a series of “underground parties” in the tunnels underneath the streets of Arkansas.  I’m assuming these were similar to those parties thrown in the catacombs that exist under the streets of Paris, teenagers often gather there to get away from their parents on the weekends (there are a plethora of ways into these tunnels, ways that law enforcement haven’t caught onto yet). 

There’s a long history, a lore if you will, surrounding tunnel systems such as these, such as the tunnels under Chinatown in Los Angeles, for instance, which were used to connect people to speakeasies during prohibition, and are now used for not much more than cool "hangout" spots for local high schoolers.  Some of these tunnels were abandoned attempts at sewage systems or subway rails; regardless, they exist and there are many.  And the system under our feet – excuse me, my feet (I sometimes forget the reach of the internet) -- is rumored to be home to an unidentified species of life forms, a subspecies that may in fact exhibit a type of paranormal phenomenon.

Many years ago, explorers were said to have stumbled upon a tunnel just north of Batesville, Arkansas, that was illuminated by a greenish phosphorescence and inhabited by a race of beings who stood 7 to 8 feet tall and had bluish skin.  The beings, or creatures, who appeared to have access to advanced technology, told the explorers they were the “direct descendants of Noah.”

After I received this first tip from Roland, I began my investigation.  I’m unsure whether his tip has anything to do with the above-referenced claim of “blue men,” but I will certainly keep that morsel of information in the back of my head.  There will be more to come as I gather and organize my data.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Do Angels Exist?

I feel I must reiterate my “reverse-existentialist” theory, in which I assert that if it’s absurd to think that something exists outside of the human’s ability to comprehend such a thing existing, it’s equally absurd to think that it could NOT exist.

And this is where it gets important to pay attention –

This theory not only should be applied to pursuits in investigating the paranormal, but also in pursuits in investigating “the divine;” and furthermore, that these two seemingly disparate worlds may have more in common with each other than most people think.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Omega Corporation?

There have been whispers of the “Omega Corporation.”

Why is a multinational conglomerate being mentioned at all as I probe into this latest tip?  I fear saying too much about this too early; I don’t want to get ahead of myself as I’m still putting all this together.  Once I have more concrete info, I will go into it in much more detail.

Thanks for your patience…

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Paranormal Investigation of Infamy

My mother once told me as a child, “never trust a person with a mustache.”  Did that prevent me from growing a mustache in the 1970’s?  No, it did not.  The warning, although I believe it was sincere, lacked a firm grounding in reality. 

I once had a case that involved an elderly woman who swore her husband’s facial hair was a result of a pact with the devil.  While I initially accepted the retainer’s fee for my service to investigate the claim, I refunded half of the payment when I determined the claim to be less a result of evil, and more a result of this woman’s particular battle with dementia.  Needless to say, my opinion was her husband’s facial hair did not seem the least bit unnatural...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Science Is In The Paranormal Shivers

The increasingly sporadic weather has me once again thinking of climate change and how some people are so willing to ignore 95% of scientists.

I suppose if one is not a scientist, or one does not have acumen in the area, it’s difficult to accept the theories that one may not upon first impression understand intellectually.  But that’s no reason to doubt the curriculum vitae of scientists and disregard their years of thought and effort.  Not to mention everyday empirical evidence of the drastically warmer and colder days we’re experiencing, warmer and colder than those past days of the same dates.  Evidence that makes your body sweat more than it ever has, or shiver greater than it ever has, is simply hard to sidestep. 

This brings me to the “shivers” that are sometimes associated with firsthand experiences with the paranormal. 

People who encounter these experiences often report tangible feeling, like being brushed up against, or they report a physical reaction in their body to the experience, the reaction most universally being a “shiver,” or a slight trembling, or something reminiscent of the feeling of “hairs standing up on the back of the neck.”  If these reports are valid, although one may assume it’s the literal entity that is interacting with him physically, it may very well be a physical reaction to the temperature of the environment.  For example, some ghost hunters have been known to keep rooms that are supposedly “haunted” extra cold, as a way to facilitate the extraction of an entity.  On the flipside, it may indeed be the entity that is causing the temperature shift, and therefore causing a reaction in the individual.  If we do not immediately see the explanation, then we must consider alternate theories for the cause. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Polaroid Cameras for Sale

Although this is my first attempt at internet blogging, I’m indeed hip to various other dimensions of the world wide web.  One particular dimension I’m extremely familiar with is “ebay.” 

Here are some links to some wonderful Polaroid cameras that are ideal for retrofitting as you begin your own attempts at capturing paranormal evidence:

And this is where you can buy the correct film, from The Impossible Project:

Happy hunting!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Capturing Paranormal Evidence.

While prepping the investigation of this latest tip, I feel this is an opportune time to expand upon my methods for collecting data.

I do not consider myself a luddite (I’m not one of those people who prefers the nostalgia of a record player over the user-friendliness and compactness of an MP3 player, not to mention the immense storage capacity on those things), but I cannot help but think there is an element to rapidly rising technology that is meant to keep the consumer intentionally in the dark.  Once the world transforms elements from the organic and into ones and zeroes, it’s infinitely harder for the average citizen to make sense of those elements. 

What the average person needs to capture paranormal evidence:

1.      Polaroid Camera.
2.      Flash, do not use an excessive amount of light, or light sources that utilize fire (such as a lantern or a match), as this might introduce a temperature shift into the environment that will disturb the entity and prevent it from being photographed properly. 
3.      Thermostat; to gauge temperature shifts and record measurements during moments of activity.
4.      Film retrofitted for Polaroid Cameras, available from “The Impossible Project.

I attach a small digital video camera to my Polaroid, so that I can document my own movements and progression, and when I feel it’s the right moment to attempt to document a specific phenomenon, I snap an instant photograph while filming.  I liken this method to the game videos football coaches show their players before the next game, as a means through which they can view their mistakes and learn from them, and consequently invent new strategies as a result.  I use the videos I record in much the same way.  If I’ve gotten good results, I may continue the specific approach that I used; if my results are less-than-desirable, I will often shift tactics and brainstorm new approaches to documenting future entities.  I find these videos are very important with this respect, and not in the respect of compiling evidence.